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Changes at ReVa

18 Oct

Attention Revanation!   We are making changes here at Crossfit Reva in order to enhance your experience a well as your fitness.  Please read the following carefully, as it describe the changes that we will be making at Crossfit Reva. 

First off, we are going to begin using the whiteboard in order to track your workouts. Using the white board to track progress helps to foster a sense of community and is what separates Crossfit from other strength and conditioning programs.

The white board is a great tool that you can use to motivate yourself and enable you to push a little bit harder during your workouts. So in order to make this change work a few changes have to be made to the classes:

a) Please do not put workout equipment away if someone else is still working.  We are a community here.  We don’t  want to see everyone leaving the gym floor to leave one person behind;

b) once everyone has finished their workout then equipment can be put away; and c) the class will gather around the white board post WOD and use this time to stretch, foam roll, and put in their score!

The second change we will be making is to our class schedule. The new class schedule will be as follows:

Mon – Fri


Open gym 10-00-2:00pm

Open gym 11:00-2:00pm

**These changes will take effect Monday October 19!


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